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Istituto Galileo Galilei

Istituto Galileo Galilei

Info - Webseite - Video - Fotogalerie - BroschüreVia degli Alfani, 68 - 50121 Florenz (FI) - Telefon +39 055 29 46 80 - Fax +39 055 28 34 81

Students who enroll in an Italian one-to-one course which helds during the months of July and August are entitled to a 10% discount.

ONE-TO-ONE COURSE “A” 4 hours of Italian per day, (9am-1pm) EURO 770 - 10% = EURO 693

ONE-TO-ONE COURSE “B” 6 hours of Italian per day, (9am-1pm and 2pm-4pm) EURO 1080 - 10% = EURO 972

ONE-TO-ONE COURSE “D” 8 hours of Italian per day, (9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm) EURO 1340 - 10% = EURO 1206

ONE-TO-ONE COURSE “C” 6 hours of Italian per day, including lunch with the teacher at the restaurant (9am-3pm) EURO 1490 - 10% = EURO 1382*

ONE-TO-ONE COURSE “E” 8 hours of Italian per day, including lunch with the teacher at the restaurant (9am-5pm) EURO 1750 - 10% = EURO 1616*

*The discounts are not applied on the meal's cost.

For more information about our personalized one-to-one courses, please see our web link.

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Gesuch *


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N.B. Die Daten werden gemäß der Datenschutz behandelt, an die Schule geschickt, die Sie kontaktiert.

Ich habe die Datenschutz gelesen und genehmige die Verarbeitung von Daten *

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - Roma
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TerramareVia Roma, 42 - Orbetello (GR)
| P.I. 04669890875